
Tahun Anggaran . Tersinkron dengan ISB pada
Kode Produk Nama Produk Nilai TKDN Jml Pembelian Total Harga (Rp.)
1388090 COTISEN - Disposable Saliva Ejectors 11 847000
1394860 MEDESY Dental Surgical Instrument - Mouth Mirror 4903/3, 4903/4 12 480000
1407146 ORAFIL PLUS Temporary Filling Material with Sodium Fluoride 30 1998000
1407220 DENPRO Cal LC 2 444000
1413936 Safeed Feeding Tube 5 fr (40 cm) - SF*FT0580 10 152610
1413957 Safeed Stomach Tube 12 fr (125 cm) - SF*GT1C12 5 66855
1413967 Safeed Stomach Tube 16 fr (125 cm) - SF*GT1C16 50 668550
1414108 Surflo Winged Infusion Set - SV*23CLK 450 2882700
1414112 Surflo Winged Infusion Set - SV*25CLK 450 2882700
1417445 LEUKOPLAST 7.5cm x 4.5m Hospital 20 1078000
1418085 GYPSONA Plaster of Paris Bandage 7.5cm x 3.5m 24 681600
1418157 GYPSONA Plaster of Paris Bandage 10cm x 3.5m 150 5640000
1418221 GYPSONA Plaster of Paris Bandage 15cm x 3.5m 230 11833500
1418951 LEUKOPLAST FIXOMULL Stretch 15cm x 5m 50 8915000
1428459 Wire Instrument Set 1 98055680
1429140 GUTTA-PERCHA PROTAPER F1 5 570875
1429154 GUTTA-PERCHA PROTAPER F2 5 543875
1429162 GUTTA-PERCHA PROTAPER F3 3 326325
1429170 GUTTA-PERCH.PROTAPER ASS.F4F5 3 326325
44874446 Albumin serum normal (human Albumin) inj 20% 100 mL 5 4431695
44891516 kombinasi, setiap dosis mengandung : Budesonid 160 mcg Formoterol 4,5 mcg (inhalasi), 120 dosis kemasan turbuhaler 225 36431550
46007850 kombinasi, setiap dosis mengandung : Budesonid 160 mcg Formoterol 4,5 mcg (inhalasi), 120 dosis kemasan rapihaler 75 11405550
47285644 Salbutamol/ Salbutamol Sulphate MDI/aerosol 100 mcg/dosis 30 900000
47936196 Levothyroxine sodium 50 mcg 1000 759000
47946648 Flufenazin injeksi 25 mg/mL (i.m ) 260 20952360
48104829 Fenoterol Hydromide/ Fenoterol HBr aerosol 100 mcg/puff 20 1687500
48770690 Flutikason furoat susp 27,5 mcg/spray 40 4797700
49052978 Analog Insulin Long Acting inj Insulin Detemir 100 IU/mL (kemasan vial, disposable cartridge, penfill cartridge) 690 61963310
49220087 Salbutamol MDI/aerosol 100 mcg/dosis 10 300000
49231224 Pengganti plasma golongan gelatin inf 10 1665000
49245487 Salmeterol 25 mcg + Flutikason Propionat 50 mcg ih" 355 21713655
49246603 Kombinasi: salmeterol 50 mcg + flutikason propionat 100 mcg ih 100 mcg/puff 515 60318905
49350600 Analog insulin mix insulin inj 100 IU/mL (kemasan vial, cartridge disposible, penfill cartridge) 520 58769360
49408152 Analog insulin rapid acting inj 100 IU/mL 2000 187394200
49585195 Pramipexole dihydrochloride monohydrate/Pramipexole/ Pramipeksol tablet lepas lambat/kaplet lepas lambat 0,375mg 2280 11480400
49590013 Analog Insulin Co-Formulation inj 100 IU/ml Ultra Long Acting Insulin Degludec 70U/Rapid Acting Insulin Aspart 30U (kemasan vial, disposable cartridge, penfill cartridge) 800 90414400
49686823 Natrium fosfat lar oral 45 mL 25 646575
49694236 Natrium fosfat botol,133 mL 50 3607500
49695805 Fusycom Sodium Fusidat/Natrium Fusidat Krim 215 (20 mg/g) 32.69 610 9150000
49730903 Human tetanus imunoglobulin inj 250 IU (i.m.) 300 53100000
50121809 Haloperidol inj 50 mg/mL 40 4360000
50203341 8100B2 ESPE FILTEK P60 RESTORATIVE SYSTEM 3 1305300
50203434 8100A3 ESPE FILTEK P60 RESTORATIVE SYSTEM 3 1305300
50256758 7032A3 ESPE Filtek Z350XT Flowable Restorative 3 2007900
50565924 Flutikason propionat cairan ih 0,5 mg/dosis 400 4139200
52733877 Topamax 50mg 4320 19872000
54257550 ZENMED+ Vein Finder System Table with Trolley 1 50050000
57940267 TOPAMAX 25 MG 1200 3540000
57946242 TOPAMAX 100 MG 600 5670000
63214986 Automatic Blood Pressure Monitor HEM 8712 / Tensimeter Digital / Tensi Darah, CMP666 3 2010000
71180181 Ipratropium bromide 0.52 mg ; Ipratropium bromide anhydrate 0.5 mg ; Salbutamol sulfate 3.013 mg ; Salbutamol 2.5 mg 200 706400
74487436 Cervical Collar / Collar Brace / Neck Collar Anak / Alat Penyangga Leher / Hard Neck Collar, CMP666 4 2080000
74487538 Cervical Collar / Collar Brace / Neck Collar Dewasa / Alat Penyangga Leher, CMP666 4 2120000
74868409 UNIUM System Trauma Set 1 750000000